スペインの首都マドリッドで2001年から、超教派の集まりとして聖書の学び、礼拝や祈り会をしています。クリスチャンやクリスチャンでない方、駐在員、永住者、学生からなる小さな集まりです。 スペイン文化に大きな影響を与えたキリスト教。クリスチャンでない方でも、アットホ-ムな雰囲気で楽しく聖書を読んでみたいという方は、お気軽にいらして下さい。 A Japanese women’s Bible Study at Immanuel Baptist Church Yoshie…
This church was founded in 1993 to enable Japanese people in Switzerland and the south of Germany to learn more about the God of the Bible and to worship Him. Our church fellowship in Uster is a warm, friendly and supportive group. As a Swiss…
Samuel Lee, PhD is president of Foundation University Amsterdam. He also lectures sociology and contextual theology. Lee holds M.A. degree in Sociology of Non Western Societies / Development Sociology (Leiden University) and PhD in Intercultural…
Central London by the Japanese Christian Fellowship (JCF) on Sunday afternoons at 2.30 pm near Tottenham Court Road. Contact JCL for more information.
Central London the Japanese Reformed Church meets weekly at 2.30 pm at St. Botolph-without-Aldersgate, EC1A 4EU. For further information check the church website (in Japanese) at http://blog.goo.ne.jp/jrc-2010