My name is You Hong Cheah. In 1985 my wife, Lily and I planted an Iban church in the slums of Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. From there we moved on to Osaka as Asian Outreach missionaries to work with a local Japanese church called Jesus Family for 4 years. Over the next couple of years while active in itinerary ministry I returned to secular work as a consulting engineer. In 2005, we started a ministry to the seniors in nursing homes in Melbourne Australia.
In January 2014 we returned to Osaka as World Outreach missionaries to plant a bilingual church in Osaka. Our work here is at preliminary stage. For the last few months we have been laying foundation in prayer, making and building friendships in the community. We are now based in the southern most part of Osaka City in Sumiyoshi ward. We welcome any returnees who may be passionate to serve in pioneering situation or looking for a church to fellowship in.