Washington State–Hyogo Prefecture Aberdeen–Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Kisuga, Fukuoka Prefecture Anacortes–Kisakata, Akita Prefecture Auburn–Kasuga, Hyogo Prefecture Bellevue–Yao, Osaka Prefecture Bellingham–…
INSPIRE UNION, and its shortened form INSPA、is a fellowship of returnee Christians. We meet once a month at the Kanayama Church in Nagoya. We welcome non-Christians and anyone interested in this work. In February 2012 we began regional meetings also…
Alameda–Arita, Saga Prefecture Anaheim–Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture Antioch–Chichibu, Tokyo Bakersfield–Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture Berkeley–Sakai, Osaka Prefecture Burbank–Ota, Gunma Prefecture Carson–…
Berea–Kyosato, Niigata Prefecture Bowling Green–Kawanishi, Hyogo Prefecture Elizabethtown–Koori Machi, Fukushima Prefecture Georgetwon–Tahara, Aichi Prefecture Morgantown–Tatsuruhama, Ishikawa Prefecture
Bethelhem–Tondabayashi, Osaka Lancaster–Sano, Tochigi Prefecture New Castle–Shinshiro, Aichi Prefecture Philadelphia–Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture Pittsburgh–Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture Upper Darby–Kotoyama, Kochi…