サンデー礼拝 Sunday Service Sun/Joy service 毎週日曜日 午前 10:30 ~ 11:30 午前の礼拝です。ピアノ奏楽で賛美を献げています。英語通訳あります。English Translation Available. ▲ ジョイフル礼拝 Joyful Service Sun/Joy service 毎週日曜日 午後 1:30 ~ 2:30…
礼拝 日曜日 午前10:30 礼拝中、子供のための教会学校も同時に行われます 朝の集い 水曜日 午前10:00 英会話クラス 金曜日 午前10:00 聖書研究会 第二、第四金曜日 午後7:30 Somerville, MASSACHUSETTS
JCFN is an evangelical Christian network which seeks to conduct and promote the follow up of primarily Japanese Christians and seekers of God, who move from Japan to a foreign country and back again and who have requested an introduction to a…
Liz and Paul Godwin are staff ministers for ISI, living in Kobe, Japan. Their primary ministry is to help returnees in their faith. USA Address: 1326 137th St. SE, Mill Creek, WA 98012 Liz and Paul have been part of the RJC movement from the…
The Hokkaido Returnee Fellowship is a place for Christians to gather, connect, and prayer for one another. We want to welcome you if you became interested in God while you were overseas. We want to be of support to you. Please don’t worry as…