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Hokuriku FIT-Fukui Ishikawa Toyama ANRC10 で集まってできた北陸、福井、石川、富山の帰国者クリスチャン中心の集まりで興味ある方はみんなWELCOMEです。This fellowship starts since all nations returnees conference 10. God leads us to do his will for Fukui, Ishikawa, Toyama, Hokuriku area. FIT-Fukui…

Niigata Nagano Shizuoka- This fellowship is the result of ANRC 10. We seek to encourage and support those Christians who came to faith in another country and now live in Niigata, Nagano and Shizuoka. 甲信越静岡 NNS -Niigata Nagano Shizuoka-…

All Nations Returnees Kansai(ANRK) As a result of the March 2009 ANRC in Saitama Prefecture we Christian returnees in the Kansai area have sought to get together to encourage one another in the faith. In the fall of 2010 we sponsored Vine Conference…

Introduction to JCFN JCFN is an evangelical Christian network which seeks to conduct and promote the follow up of primarily Japanese Christians and seekers of God, who move from Japan to a foreign country and back again and who have requested an…

Kevin & Kaori Laverman Church Planting in Kawasaki, Japan with WorldVenture home page at 4-14-24-1 Futago, Takatsu-ku Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken JAPAN 213-0002 Tel/Fax (044) 833-8791縲€ Cell (080) 5540-8791