Washington State–Hyogo Prefecture Aberdeen–Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Kisuga, Fukuoka Prefecture Anacortes–Kisakata, Akita Prefecture Auburn–Kasuga, Hyogo Prefecture Bellevue–Yao, Osaka Prefecture Bellingham–…
Dennis served as a missionary in Japan for 20 years. He and his family now live in the Sacramento, California area, and carrying on pastoral ministries there, along with ministry with Japanese throughout the US and Canada. He has helped lead in…
日曜礼拝 場所:Intown Community Church内 – 2F IFC Room http://www.intown.org 時間:毎週1:00PMより 1:00-1:30 キッズタイム 1:30-2:30 礼拝・バイブルスタディー *第一週は、キッズプログラムを長めに持ちます。 *第三週は、アトランタ独立日本語教会と合同礼拝。10:00AM~…
Brian O’Sullivan “Brian O’Sullivan’s work as a psychotherapist is focused on helping clients overcome anxiety. He uses mostly Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to treat social anxiety, general anxiety, panic attacks, public…
IFACE-Nashiville Getting to know Americans in your community can be a big challenge when you are from another culture. International students in Nashville know they can count on iFace to provide a wide variety of activities to satisfy their…