Established 2021. Started as a prayer meeting, grew to a God-sized vision to reach Japan for Christ. Mobilize Japan aims to inform, train, and mobilize for Japan missions. Join virtual Japan mission trips!
First Level is the Gospel story in 5 topics. The loving relationship with the Creator – initiated, broken and restored – is emphasized throughout the material. This material is for you to work through with your Japanese friends as a means to…
BBN聖書放送 100%視聴者の支援による非利益団体(non-profit organization)のクリスチャン向けラジオ放送局。 BBN聖書放送は英語はもとより、ポルトガル語、スペイン語、ドイツ語、日本語、中国語、韓国語の7ヶ国語でウェブサイトを提供しており、BBN聖書放送の放送局がなくても、インターネットを通してラジオと同様のストリーム放送を聞くことができます。…
Mari Fukusaku is the Assistant Pastor of the Vancouver Japanese Gospel Church, and wife of the senior pastor, Tetsuo Fukusaku. She has spoken at multiple RJC Conference seminars: How To Reach The Younger Generation And How To Help Them Grow Church…
Minako Wilkinson is serving with the Navigators in Japanese ministry. 10648 Montrose Ave. Apt. 204 Bethesda, MD 20814 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 301-530-5601