For some 300,000 Japanese Deaf people, Japanese Bibles are written in a foreign language they have to study arduously to learn. Their first language – the language of their hearts – is Japanese Sign Language (JSL). JSL is a visual…
GRAND OPENING of New “ Japanese Christian Bookstore” To friends and churches who love God and Japanese people, Praise the name of our Lord Jesus! Thank you so much for your commitment to the Lord and His ministries. At the end of year, you might…
Taken from Operation Japan CD-Rom Book Store Ministries in Japan (Taken from 2011 Christian Yearbook) (A new relationship (since April, 2012) between CLC and WLPM Gospel Shop Chain was established in which they cooperate as the Bible Shop Chain in…
This book store is related to the Second Level ministry, seeking to train Japanese Christians.
Multi-Language Media provides an on-line ordering system for Christian books in many languages.