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Contact: Rev. Masato Murai Church Address: 20 Glebe Road East, Toronto ON, M4S 1N6, Canada Home Phone: (416) 789-1902

私たちの教会は、カナダ最大の都市、トロントにあるプロテスタントの日系教会です。カナダ全国に約150教会あるカナダ・フリーメソジスト教団に所属しています。 礼拝は日本人だけでなく、英語を話す方も参加できるようになっています。赤ちゃんから高齢の方まで、幅広い年齢層の人が集う家庭的な集まりです。 Wesley Chapel Japanese Church ウエスレーチャペル日系教会 2385 Warden Ave., Toronto, ON, Canada M1W 2L6 Phone: (416…

The National Association of Japanese Canadians is a non-profit incorporated community organization in Canada that represents the Japanese Canadian community. Formed in 1947, the NAJC focuses on human rights and community development.3rd Floor, 207…

The National Association of Japanese Canadians is a non-profit incorporated community organization in Canada that represents the Japanese Canadian community. Formed in 1947, the NAJC focuses on human rights and community development.3rd Floor, 207…

The purpose of the Japanese United Church is as the “United Church of Canada”, working in Japanese as well as English language Sunday School and United Church women’s groups available Outreach ministry for Japanese Canadian seniors…