Hokuriku FIT-Fukui Ishikawa Toyama ANRC10 で集まってできた北陸、福井、石川、富山の帰国者クリスチャン中心の集まりで興味ある方はみんなWELCOMEです。This fellowship starts since all nations returnees conference 10. God leads us to do his will for Fukui, Ishikawa, Toyama, Hokuriku area. FIT-Fukui…
Birmingham–Hitachi, Ibaraki Prefecture Dothan–Sakado, Saitama Prefecture Mobile–Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture Montevallo–Echizen, Fukui Prefecture Tuscaloosa–Narashino, Chiba Prefecture
Alameda–Arita, Saga Prefecture Anaheim–Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture Antioch–Chichibu, Tokyo Bakersfield–Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture Berkeley–Sakai, Osaka Prefecture Burbank–Ota, Gunma Prefecture Carson–…
Allendale–Omachi, Saga Prefecture Elizabeth–Kitami, Hokkaido Marlboro–Nanto, Toyama Prefecture New Brunswick–Fukui, Fukui Prefecture; Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture
Sekai Creator develops Japan’s future leaders to bless the world by providing international entrepreneurial training. We help Japanese students develop their entrepreneurial leadership abilities within the context of entrepreneurship, product…