Washington State–Hyogo Prefecture Aberdeen–Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Kisuga, Fukuoka Prefecture Anacortes–Kisakata, Akita Prefecture Auburn–Kasuga, Hyogo Prefecture Bellevue–Yao, Osaka Prefecture Bellingham–…
Alameda–Arita, Saga Prefecture Anaheim–Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture Antioch–Chichibu, Tokyo Bakersfield–Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture Berkeley–Sakai, Osaka Prefecture Burbank–Ota, Gunma Prefecture Carson–…
Americus–Konu, Hiroshima Prefecture Atlanta–Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture Augusta–Takarazuka, Hyogo Prefecture Columbus–Kiryu, Gunma Prefecture Dublin–Sanbongi, Miyagi Prefecture Elberton–Mure, Kagawa Prefecture…
Sekai Creator develops Japan’s future leaders to bless the world by providing international entrepreneurial training. We help Japanese students develop their entrepreneurial leadership abilities within the context of entrepreneurship, product…