〒170-0013 東京都豊島区東池袋1-42-14 28山京ビル7階 www.tokyolifechurch.com Info: 東京ライフチャーチは、日本人だけでなく様々な国籍の人が集まる英語と日本語のバイリンガル教会です。Tokyo Life Church is a bilingual, international church in Ikebukuro. 礼拝日時:日曜日 朝10時より(礼拝に並行して、子供のためのライフ・キッズのプログラムを行っています.) Our Sunday…
For some 300,000 Japanese Deaf people, Japanese Bibles are written in a foreign language they have to study arduously to learn. Their first language – the language of their hearts – is Japanese Sign Language (JSL). JSL is a visual…
TOKYO, JAPAN We are an English speaking* congregation of about 300 people, coming from a variety of ethnic, denominational, and cultural backgrounds. We are committed to the centrality of the Word of God, salvation by grace through faith in Jesus…
サンデー礼拝 Sunday Service Sun/Joy service 毎週日曜日 午前 10:30 ~ 11:30 午前の礼拝です。ピアノ奏楽で賛美を献げています。英語通訳あります。English Translation Available. ▲ ジョイフル礼拝 Joyful Service Sun/Joy service 毎週日曜日 午後 1:30 ~ 2:30…
Tokyo, Japan Regular Worship Schedule From the beginning of September until to the middle of June we hold two services on Sunday morning, at 8:30 AM and at 11:00 AM. Worship Child care is provided and a Fellowship Coffee Hour follows the 11:00…