Ministry to Japanese

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This ministry is led by Rev. Yuichiro Nakano. 私たちは、長くホノルル・キリスト教会で牧会にあたってまいりましたが、1996年1月の聖地旅行で、オリーブ山に立った時、主から、巡回伝道者として働くようにとの召命をいただきました。愛する同胞ならびに日本語を理解する人々の救いのため日本、北米、南米、さらに地の果てまで、遣わされるべく、マウント・オリブ・ミニストリーズを開始しました。…

If you are new to the United States or have lived here for years; if English is your first language, or you are seeking to improve your language ability, we have a place for you at Westminster Chapel. Questions? Contact Sylvia Ramquist, Minister to…

Northshore Baptist Church served as the home for the Reaching Japanese for Christ movement from the beginning. We are very thankful. They continue to have a regular Talk Time program for internationals in the area.…

International students and English-speakers get together for a visit and conversation. A topic sheet may be provided to help guide the conversation. Through English conversation, foreign students learn about American culture and Americans also learn…

Eikou Christian Church is a Bible-based church located in Kirkland, Washington, serving both Japanese and English speaking persons. We seek to bring the saving message of Jesus Christ and the joy of Christian fellowship to all who worship with us.