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Paul Nethercott is a TEAM missionary in Japan. Besides serving as a church-planting missionary in the past, he gave leadership to CAN (Christian Arts Network) and now is involved in helping to produce Christian videos. Using The Arts To Reach…

Former Professor, now Church Planting in Japan

Japan Missionary

TOKYO, JAPAN We are an English speaking* congregation of about 300 people, coming from a variety of ethnic, denominational, and cultural backgrounds. We are committed to the centrality of the Word of God, salvation by grace through faith in Jesus…

サンデー礼拝 Sunday Service   Sun/Joy service 毎週日曜日 午前 10:30 ~ 11:30 午前の礼拝です。ピアノ奏楽で賛美を献げています。英語通訳あります。English Translation Available. ▲ ジョイフル礼拝 Joyful Service Sun/Joy service 毎週日曜日 午後 1:30 ~ 2:30…