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JCFN Kanto Meeting JCFN Kanto Meeting gathers regularly to encourage returnees. We pray that we will be able to assist people who are young and old in this way. 「関東圏で帰国者が集まり励ましあう集会を定期的にしたい!」と願うメンバーが 与えられ、「JCFN 関東集会」を立ち上がりました。 幅広い年齢層の帰国者のみなさんが、…

It was May 28, 2010 that we had our first Kanagawa area returnee Christian fellowship. Following that meeting there are a number fellowships throughout Kanagawa. Please join us. 神奈川県エリアの帰国者クリスチャンを対象にした集まりとして2010年5月28日に第一回の集いがもたれました。その時の様子が http:/…

INSPIRE UNION, and its shortened form INSPA、is a fellowship of returnee Christians. We meet once a month at the Kanayama Church in Nagoya. We welcome non-Christians and anyone interested in this work. In February 2012 we began regional meetings also…

Hokuriku FIT-Fukui Ishikawa Toyama ANRC10 で集まってできた北陸、福井、石川、富山の帰国者クリスチャン中心の集まりで興味ある方はみんなWELCOMEです。This fellowship starts since all nations returnees conference 10. God leads us to do his will for Fukui, Ishikawa, Toyama, Hokuriku area. FIT-Fukui…

Niigata Nagano Shizuoka- This fellowship is the result of ANRC 10. We seek to encourage and support those Christians who came to faith in another country and now live in Niigata, Nagano and Shizuoka. 甲信越静岡 NNS -Niigata Nagano Shizuoka-…